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Marxists hell-bent on tearing down traditional America, including the largely conservative stalwart institution of law enforcement

The other night I told my wife I believe that Black Lives Matter, Inc [1]. is racist. My wife came back with, “They’re not racist; they’re Marxist.” She was right—of course (it’s always a good idea to add “of course” when deferring to your spouse).

We see daily leftwing radicals’ efforts to tear down America’s history and traditions. Now, we’re seeing that effort on steroids with the taking down of historical statues—not of controversial figures but of some of our nation’s most respected heroes. But it’s not about the statues themselves. Personally, I don’t think people who were traitors to the Union should be venerated.

But shouldn’t that be up to the people in that community? I understand the statues of Confederate politicians, officers, and soldiers mean something different to some folks, and the issue is not all about slavery for them (even though the Civil War was, indeed, primarily about slavery).

As I said, the issue is not about the statues as much as it is about the lawlessness and lack of legal process. Even if I agree with you that a statue should come down, in a nation of laws, destroying and defacing statues and monuments is a crime.

If you want to get rid of a statue, get folks to agree with you, get with those folks, and get your political leaders to agree with the idea. If the people, through their elected officials, get the support, then the statue comes down, and the rule of law is upheld. If the vote doesn’t go your way, tough. Try again. That’s how a democratic-republic works—or is supposed to work. Enforcing your will through violence and destruction is not acceptable—and does not qualify as civil disobedience.

The tyranny of criminal destruction is not how Americans accomplish their political goals. Hell, I’m not enthralled with a statue of Vladimir Lenin (which I wrote about in my book “Seattle Curiosities [2]“) standing in the Fremont District of Seattle, but the statue is not mine.

What gives anyone the right to tear down something that belongs to someone else. Incidentally, neither BLM, Antifa, nor any leftwing group has defaced or attempted to destroy the statue of the Soviet mass murderer.

So, this lawlessness is how Marxists and other leftwing radicals accomplish their goals. They started with Confederate slave-holder place-names, statues, and memorials. But it’s telling that they’ve moved on to what should be non-controversial figures such as Abraham Lincoln. You know, the guy who ended slavery in America.

Now, the evidence shows tearing down historical statues is not an attack on the Confederacy or slaveholders, or whatever. The destruction is evidence of Marxists obliterating American history so they can start over.

I understood BLM taking down statues of confederates and slaveholders. Though I don’t agree with their criminal methods, there’s at least some logic to it. However, when they defaced a monument [3] to the Union Army’s 54th Massachusetts Regiment [4] Volunteer Infantry in Boston, aside from being disgusted at the desecration, I scratched my head.

This was an all-black volunteer force serving in the Union Army recognized for their exceptional heroism and sacrifice. Then the radicals attacked Abraham Lincoln’s statues. The president who signed the Emancipation Proclamation [5], freeing the slaves—what the…? Then the statue of Ulysses S. Grant, the general who won the Civil War. And, most recently (and most baffling), leftist radicals in Rochester, NY, destroyed a statue of Frederick Douglass, [6] the famous former slave, fervent abolitionist, scholar, and friend of Abraham Lincoln.

But, if you understand what the Marxists are after —the destruction of America— you’ll understand why they attacked even memorials honoring black people and abolitionists. Marxists don’t like that Douglass believed in America. He believed the U.S. Constitution was an anti-slave document [7].

According to “Black Perspectives [8],” Douglass believed it was “the duty of every American citizen to use the Constitution and political processes at their disposal to bring the country in line with its founding intent.”

Americans have been doing that ever since, advancing individual liberty for all. And what about the 54th Massachusetts? These brave black soldiers fought to preserve the Union. They fought to assure the future of the United States of America would endure, something leftist radicals hate most of all.

Like my wife said, “It’s not about racism; it’s about Marxism.”

In that vein, it’s not about police brutality, either (that is just their political Trojan Horse). It’s about the police being one of the last public institutions comprised largely of patriotic, conservative, Americans who love their country.

While law enforcement agencies have been infected with some radical leftist progressives, especially those police chiefs appointed by leftwing mayors, the vast majority of the rank and file, their first-line supervisors, and even a majority of the management are conservative, Republican, and/or libertarian in ideology. Supporters of American history and traditions.

For Marxists, law enforcement cannot continue as currently comprised—or continue at all. And these radicals are finding allies in the neo-democrat (socialist) Democratic Party. The new Democrats believe their ideology is so “right,” they are willing to do just about anything to get political power—even ally with violent Marxists. Their conceit is in believing people will benefit so greatly from having Democrats in power, that it is worth any suffering the American people (but not themselves) will have to endure.

We’re seeing it with the “defund” and “abolish the police” movements, which will hurt the poor most of all. Can you believe this is really a thing? Reduce police effectiveness or eliminate the police altogether? Who thinks like this? The Left does. Let’s take this current example of blue state governors extending restrictions, requiring ineffective face coverings, and keeping society from opening. And all the restrictions, shutdowns, and delayed return to normalcy helps the Left to collapse traditional America and to replace it with socialism.

Despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary, these governors are still vacillating over allowing children to go back to school normally. They’re playing with families’ lives with stilted starts of two or three days of school, online schooling, and requiring children to wear bacteria incubators (face coverings) all day, every day, in class.

People will have to make alternative childcare arrangements, making it nearly impossible to reconcile school and work schedules often for multiple children and both parents. But the radical, leftist Democrats feel it’s fine to sacrifice the people’s normality and mental and physical health as long as it helps to remove President Trump from office.

Aside from the obvious benefits of having police officers answering 911 calls, we need to maintain institutions with members who support and defend traditional American values. We cannot allow the Marxists to weaken or eradicate the police.

This piece was written by Steve Pomper on July 9, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette [9] and is used by permission.

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