- Rob Maness - https://www.robmaness.com -

The Nature of Communism, Part 3

Modern Aesopian Language

Part 2 of this series introduced the Communists’ Aesopian Language. Like all languages, it has “moved” – slightly. “Progressive” still describes anything that advances socialism, and “liberation” is really enslavement to the party line. Marxism is still committed to overthrowing capitalism by violence and force. And “democracy” is still bait for unsuspecting westerners.

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization. Consider the words of one of its leaders, Hawk Newsome:

“If this country doesn’t give us what we want then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right. And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.”[1] [1]

In classic Aesopian style, his message confuses and (to a degree) disarms those of us who are not Marxists while assuring the minions that the revolution is full on.

When the revolution was in its infancy and Marxists were very much a minority, the majority would have naturally interpreted his words figuratively. As the Marxists have found their footing, more people have become aware that he is likely speaking literally. The problem is that the silenced majority is incapable of acting because leaders in industry have not only capitulated, they are funding the movement. Former Communist, Manning Johnson, summed it up well in 1958:

Too few Americans in our day have the courage of their convictions. Too few will fly in the face of leftist opposition. Too few will stand up for truth in the face of the ominous and destructive storm of “me-tooism.”[2] [2]

That generation of Americans did fight back. Interestingly, Johnson also summed up the Communist view of our police departments as follows:

Even the despised “tools of the capitalist system” (the police) are good to have around at times, say the comrades.[3] [3]

Because the nation has shown weakness, the language is expanding at an accelerated pace, and its uses are no longer confined to double talk. With the success of Black Lives Matters, we are constantly barraged with the language of social reform, like “woke,” “reimagining police,” “speech codes,” “hate crimes,” “white privilege,” “safe spaces,” and of course, “racism.”

“Oppression” has been redefined to mean undesired economic outcomes. The younger generation is convinced that saying something they don’t agree with or that they find offensive is doing “violence” to them. On the other hand, they don’t consider destroying property, looting, and doing personal injury as violent.

Of all the modern Aesopian, the abuse of the term “tolerance” is perhaps the most insidious. Its meaning has been inverted to really mean intolerance. How many organizations now have “zero tolerance” policies of all kinds? They have succeeded in baiting everyday Americans into buying this tripe. It is what is at the heart of the “cancel culture.”

Can there be any liberty and freedom without tolerance? There is no leeway to make mistakes if there is no tolerance in society. And unless people are tolerant, they will always be angry. Society itself loses its sense of humor and becomes very dour. The very cohesion of civil society starts to fray.

All of these phrases have one common theme – social reform.

As pointed out in Part 2, Stalin identified social reform as an ideal smoke screen for Marxists to use while doing illegal activities targeted to bring down capitalism. This is exactly what is playing out in the Summer of 2020, but it is not new. Manning Johnson pointed this out over sixty years ago:

Beneath all of the racial unrest, at the root of all racial unrest in the country, is the clammy, cold, bloody hand of Communism.[4] [4]

Attempting to sincerely address social issues in the midst of this revolution is a fool’s game. The Marxists are emboldened and they have no interest in listening to logic. It is merely seen as weakness. The only way to confront the violence is with unyielding courage of conviction. They are relying on our love of comfort to paralyze ourselves.

[1] [5] News, D. (2020, June 25). Black Lives Matter Leader: ‘If This Country Doesn’t Give Us What We Want, Then We Will Burn Down The System’. Retrieved July 09, 2020, from https://www.dailywire.com/news/black-lives-matter-leader-if-this-country-doesnt-give-us-what-we-want-then-we-will-burn-down-the-system?utm_campaign=dw_newsletter

[2] [6] Johnson, Manning. Color, Communism and Common Sense. Betsy Ross Book Shop, 1964.

[3] [7] Ibid.

[4] [8] Ibid.

This article was originally published by Dennis Haugh [9] and is reprinted by permission.
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