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Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer Tony Blinken As Secretary of State

The Democrats are more than happy with taking credit for the 2020 election. It doesn’t matter that the entire process is clouded with fraud and election meddling. All they care about is winning, and to them – that is what Joe Biden did. But now that the President-elect is just a few weeks away from taking office, let’s take a deeper look into what people he would be bringing with him to the White House. One person would be his new Secretary of State – Tony Blinken.

For those that don’t know who Tony Blinken is, here is a quick history lesson and the reason why he is being chosen to head the job of Secretary of State. During the Obama Administration, Blinken would serve as deputy secretary of state and the deputy national security advisor. At the same time, he also worked as an opinion columnist for the New York Times. Starting to see a trend here. Blinken swims around in the pools of Democrats, but there is more.

While working at the New York Times, Blinken was also pretending to be a global affairs analyst for none other than CNN. The reason I said pretending is that Blinken was a strong supporter of the Russian Hoax back in 2016. He, like most Democrats, believed that Russia was involved with the election and didn’t want to see Hillary Clinton win.

But if you remember, just a few weeks ago, the Democrats were screaming foul saying the Russians were meddling in the election again. But this time it was for the Democrats.

In addition to Blinken, those close to Biden said that Jake Sullivan, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest aids would be named Biden’s national security adviser. While neither of the announcements has been made yet, a source claims that Biden will make the final decision on Tuesday, but there is still one little problem. BIDEN hasn’t WON yet!

The American people are forgetting that the election is held up in court. Until it is settled, there can be no new President. So while Biden wants to act like he is next in line to be POTUS, the jury is still out and we could have four more years of the law and order President – Donald Trump.

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on November 23, 2020. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com [1] and is used by permission.

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