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Gavin Newsom Exempts Entertainment Industry from Lockdowns

With COVID-19 still raging around the country, experts and doctors alike are busy trying to figure out a way to beat this deadly virus. Even with a vaccine weeks away, Democrats are still claiming that won’t be enough as lockdowns, masks mandates, and social distancing are still be enforced in Democrat strongholds. But are these techniques really helping stop the coronavirus, or are they just a way to control the people and population?

Let’s take California for an instant. It is a Democratic state that has done everything in its power to stop the spread of the coronavirus. They have continued the lockdowns that have plagued the nation and even caused thousands of residents to leave the state. But now, even amid another lockdown, Governor Gavin Newsom has decided that the virus doesn’t affect everybody – just the general population.

While millions of people continue to endure the stay-at-home order, the entertainment industry is exempt from following any mandate enforced by the state. This allows workers and celebrities to go about their lives while the rest of the state is treated like convicts and can’t leave their house without proper cause. But don’t worry America, while COVID-19 continues to spread, you will still get your latest entertainment thanks to Gavin Newsom.

Which brings me to my next question, are the mandates really doing anything other than showing how cooperative Americans can be? Scientists, doctors, and experts have all come out to say that the lockdowns and masks mandates do little to stop the spread of the coronavirus, yet the Democrats are still using it like it is a proven method.

Joe Biden even wants to put the whole country in another 4-week lockdown. And this comes after the news that a vaccine will be readily available to the public in a matter of months. Again, with so much evidence pointing to the fact that these mandates don’t work, and now celebrities have a free pass throughout the lockdowns.

It just appears that the Democrats only care about having full control over the American people rather than fight the virus that has killed and destroyed thousands of families.

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on November 25, 2020. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com [1] and is used by permission.

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