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FBI and Media Alarmism About Armed State Capitol Siege Now Morphing into Scaremongering about National Guard Insurgents

Remember the tale the media spun for the past week or so about armed protests at the 50 Capitols? 

The leftist fake news media and the democrats tried to scare everyone about it the best they could. They got their scaremongering information from an ever-trustworthy FBI’s internal memo that said armed protests were being planned at all 50 state Capitols and the U.S. Capitol. 

An armed protest is not really a cause for concern because most of them are peaceful, but the FBI memo went on to say that the groups would be “storming” state, local and federal courthouses and other government offices.

A HUGE uprising, the media reported.

Didn’t happen.

Nothing was stormed.

Capitols around the country hardly saw more than two dozen people show up in each location and the protests were peaceful.

It’s not too surprising that the FBI couldn’t figure out that the Boogaloo movement [1] isn’t really much of a movement – and obviously wasn’t much of threat to anyone.

The scaremongering theme of impending state Capitol attacks constantly spouted by the media was most likely spun to stoke fear and keep the Capitol insurrection story going. 

Trump hate and Trump supporter hate is all the democratic party and the leftist media has going for them so they’re not gonna give it up for a while.

Did anyone apologize for having bad intel and bad reporting?


The media dismissed the non-event on their Monday morning newscasts with a quick, “They did not materialize.”

That’s it. Story over.


So what is next?

Well, the new scare tactic all over the internet is the story that the National Guard folks guarding DC might be sympathetic to the violent Trump folks who might show up at the Capitol and they might be on their side.

Monday’s Huffingtonpost.com website had a headline screaming, “Fear – Insider Attack at Inauguration – FBI Vetting 25K National Guard.”

The Business Insider’s headline said, “National Guard is doing background checks to weed out Trump supporters.”

Oh no. We can’t have any National Guard members who are Trump supporters. 

I hate to tell the media this, but if you remove all National Guard Trump supporters from the 25,000 DC detail, you might have about 27 of them left.

The National Guard will do their job when called upon just as they always have, regardless of who impugns their name.

But because there was one Army reservist who was arrested for his alleged participation in the Capitol siege on January 6th, the leftists are worried about possible Trump National Guard insurgents who will be guarding the inauguration. Or so they say.

General Daniel Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard Bureau and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, “If there’s any indication that any of our soldiers or airmen are expressing things that are extremist views, it’s either handed over to law enforcement or dealt with the chain of command immediately.”

No definition was given on what the word “extremist” means to the Chief.

So they’re on the lookout for any crazy Trump supporting Guard members even though there are absolutely NO evidence of any threats and no issues have been flagged.

Fear, fear, fear, Trump, Trump, Trump…

Another fake story to feed to the masses while Biden pretends to have some kind of “unity” agenda.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on January 19, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [2] and is used by permission.

Read more at SteveGruber.com:
Why is Reckless Biden Having a Public Inauguration? [3]
The Skinny on the Currently Available COVID-19 Vaccines – Things You Need to Know [4]
Facebook Tyrants Restrict Trump Supporters from Posting in COVID-19 and Cancer Support Groups [5]