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Nasty Michigan Attorney General Nessel Trashes Trump and His Supporters in Tweet About Michigan Restaurant Owner’s Arrest 

Michigan Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel is a real prize. She likes to go after “targets” that get press for not adhering to the tyrannical pandemic edicts of Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

The Governor’s emergency orders were found to be unconstitutional in a 6-1 ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court because she didn’t get any of her rules approved by the legislature as the law states. 

So she immediately did an end run around the law she was supposed to adhere to and got the Michigan Health Department to rule over the residents of Michigan under state health statutes. 

Because God forbid she works with the Republican-led Congress on anything. 

These orders have always included the closings and restrictions of Michigan restaurants even though the state has no evidence that the spread of COVID-19 comes from restaurants. 

Meanwhile, zillions of people are allowed to walk around Menards and Walmart.

Marlena Pavlos-Hackney is one of the Michigan restaurants that Whitmer is trying to bankrupt with her insane rules that have gone on almost a year now.

Pavlos-Hackney, who fled communist Poland, came to America in 1983 and opened the restaurant “Marlena’s Bistro & Pizzeria” in 2000. She was arrested on March 19th for keeping her restaurant open while ignoring the local health department and state emergency COVID-19 decrees. 

Pavlos-Hackney did not require masks or social distancing in her restaurant and that ticked off the two Michigan women who are in control of us. 

The restaurant was declared an “imminent threat to public health” even though Marlena’s customers come in voluntarily and can social distance on their own and wear masks if they choose to.

Pavlos-Hackney is now in jail. She’s in jail for breaking what looks to be a health department rule, not a law. She’s in jail for serving food in her restaurant. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists roam free.

As a woman, I can make this assessment of Attorney General Dana Nessel. She has proven herself to be a vindictive woman who is more concerned about targeting her political enemies than being concerned with law and order.

Is she investigating Whitmer for killing the elderly with her nursing home policies? Of course not. 

But she goes after people like Karl Manke and Pavlos-Hackney just for spite.

She’s gotta make sure to throw restaurant owners in jail because they are the REAL criminals.

She has to make an example of them so that everyone else will bow down to the will of Whitmer.

And in order to push back against the push back that she’s getting for having Pavlos-Hackney arrested, she tweeted out yesterday a list of orders the state and local health department gave to Pavlos-Hackney and also included a snotty statement about Trump that has nothing to do with the case. 

Nessel’s tweet said, “Marlena Pavlos-Hackney had countless opportunities to comply with even the most basic health and safety protocols to protect her community from the spread of Covid.”

Heads up, Dana. It’s COVID-19 or coronavirus, not Covid. You can also call it the China virus or the Wuhan virus.

Nessel continued, “She (Pavlos-Hackney ) defied her local health department and the court at every turn, instead choosing to taunt health inspectors, law enforcement and the courts at every turn…”

Heads up, Dana. Does “taunting” consist of trying to support her family and her employee’s families by not closing her restaurant? 

And is “taunting” a crime?

Nessel continued her rant by saying, “…going on Tucker Carlson and setting up a lucrative Go Fund Me account instead of making the slightest effort to protect her customers, her workers and her community…”

Heads up, Dana. Is it also a crime to tell the media what a tyrant you are? Is it a crime to set up a Go Fund Me account to keep her business going and pay attorney fees????

Dana, isn’t an Attorney General supposed to be a legal representative for the government? Why are you discussing Marlena’s media appearances and Go Fund Me accounts?

Your website [1] says you are the state’s top lawyer and law enforcement official. It doesn’t say anything about being a partisan hack or marketing spokesperson for the Democrat party.

Nessel’s snotty diatribe continued on Twitter. She said, “She (Pavlos-Hackney) is no martyr and no hero. One cannot repeat the mantra of ‘Law and Order’ and support the activities of Ms. Pavlos-Hackney. But if you cheered Donald Trump when he bragged about the many ways he avoided military service while others complied with their legal obligations, it’s no wonder you revere this woman. Making personal sacrifice for the greater good of our state and nation was once considered admirable. Not anymore.”


Does this woman sound like Donald Trump’s ex-wife or what? How totally unprofessional. 

But not surprising at all. 

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on March 24, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [2] and is used by permission.

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