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NBC Anchor Holt Urges Media To Lie

Leftists feel so comfortable in this political environment that they have cast away pretense and are now actively promoting left wing dishonesty to their peers.  NBC’s Lester Holt is front and center. Holt received accolades from media figures after telling reporters they don’t need to be fair or objective before determining the “truth.”

“I think it’s become clear that fairness is overrated … the idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in,” Holt said on Tuesday night at a media mutual onanism festival.

“That the sun sets in the west is a fact. Any contrary view does not deserve our time or attention,” Holt continued. “Decisions to not give unsupported arguments equal time are not a dereliction of journalistic responsibility or some kind of agenda, in fact, it’s just the opposite.”

Holt then insisted “providing an open platform for misinformation, for anyone to come say whatever they want, especially when issues of public health and safety are at stake, can be quite dangerous,” before declaring the duty of reporters is to be “fair to the truth.”

CNN anchor Don Lemon agrees. “So stop staying that we must respect Trump supporters who believe bulls— because it’s bulls— that you’ve been feeding them! The president and you, you’ve been feeding them the BS and now that they believe it, again, another self-fulfilling prophecy and feedback loop,” Lemon said.

“When the chief anchor of one of the major networks agrees that bothsidesing everything is bad practice, critics have finally won a point and they should celebrate,” NYU Bolshie Prof Jay Rosen tweeted. Rosen continued, “Someone like Lester Holt is a center of gravity among news workers and if he thinks it’s okay not to both sides everything that can influence thought and behavior across a lot of desks.”

But there was light in the darkness. “In a better world in which the mainstream major media had a history of fairness and non-partisanship, Holt’s point that journalism inherently involves filtering information might make sense. This is not such a better world, this is a world in which the mainstream major media wears its partisanship on its sleeve, manipulating the news cycle to the advantage of Democrats,” Cornell Law Prof William Jacobson told press. “In the real world, Holt’s advice simply justifies media political bias.”

This piece was written by David Kamioner on April 2, 2021. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com [4] and is used by permission.

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