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United Airlines Embraces Racist Hiring

In talking to the friend I’ve known the longest this morning, she’s a medical professional, we got around to politics and we both bemoaned that today “everything seems to be about race.” And we’re both sick of it. I doubt we’re alone.

It seemed to be about 15 years ago, maybe all the way back to the Rodney King controversy, when the pop culture started to hit us over the head with race every chance it got. Politics followed suit. Today Democrats and the left talk about almost nothing else. They do so because to keep Americans divided makes them easier to manipulate. Their modus operandi of the left is anti-white prejudice and the support of racist terrorists like Black Lives Matter. Tucker Carlson makes a case in point when it comes to the Biden administration.

Carlson: “On his very first day in office, Joe Biden signed something called an ‘Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities.’ You ought to read it and see if you can figure out what it means. The document uses the term ‘equity’ a total of 21 times, yet, revealingly, never defines the word. So, what is equity? Joe Biden never tells us, never even hints. His order proclaims that America will be getting ‘an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda.’ So whatever it is, equity is ambitious, and it will be everywhere. We know that it will be everywhere. But we’re not allowed to know what it is. That’s odd.

“For three months, we’ve been trying to guess: What is this ‘equity’ that is now our country’s main reason for existing? We know it’s not the same as ‘equality,’ or even closely related. In the name of equity, for example, the Biden administration supports open discrimination against Asian college applicants. They’re Asian, therefore they can’t get in to school. It’s that simple. We used to call that kind of behavior ‘racism’ and had laws against it. Now we call it ‘equity’ and we have laws demanding it. It turns out that racism and equity are pretty much the same thing. Who knew? Here’s the latest illustration of the principle, and it comes not from the Biden Administration, but from United Airlines. United used to be a conventional commercial air carrier. It flew airplanes from place to place, most of the time uneventfully. That was the old United Airlines. The new United is very different. It’s a combination of a hyper-aggressive corporate HR department, and a left-wing political action committee. The new United is big on moral pronouncements and mandatory social engineering. United has embraced equity. Here’s its latest directive, spelled out yesterday on Twitter.

‘Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every day. That’s why we plan for 50% of the 5,000 pilots we train in the next decade to be women or people of color.’ ”

So racial and gender quotas for hiring. When you hired a white or a man only based on their color or gender that used to justifiably be considered racism or sexism. Now it’s fine because the races and gender favored are politically approved by the Democrats and the left. Thus, we live under a deeply racist and sexist administration and corporate environment, prejudiced against people based on color and gender. Senator Bilbo, call the White House and then United. You’ll have a lot in common with the people behind the big desk.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on April 10, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette [4] and is used by permission.

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