And we still don’t know exactly what happened. In fact, the video you just watched isn’t even easy to find in its entirety anymore. Congressional hearings have happened, the Director of the Secret Service has resigned, and an investigating team that doesn’t even include one of the former military snipers serving in congress has been formed by Speaker Johnson. 26 days and we still don’t know details about the assassin himself, in fact, the FBOI seems focused on a sketchy arrest of a person loosely connected to Iran that has nothing to do with the actual assassin. So, that’s where we are, investigating agencies that don’t have the confidence of the American people and a congress no one trusts either, are supposedly going to produce a factual and complete investigations. I have my doubts and that is why we’ve asked a former US Secret Service agent Mike DeGues to come on and discuss the facts that we do know today about this history-making event the mainstream media is trying to ignore and memory hole.
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