Everyone knows that the Republican Party is occupied by a collection of fools. Every year, they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on “consultants” and advisors from the swamps of DC to advise political policy and strategy. Kevin McCarthy’s boyfriend, I mean roommate, Frank Lutz being the prime example of the many “geniuses” dictating conservative policy. Lutz influences the GOP with fake polls to advise the Grand Old Party and Ronna Romney McDaniel of what their voters want, and according to him, they want more immigration, corporate bailouts, and transgender rights.


Frank Lutz’s most infamous work, however, was his experience working with the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharmaceuticals to help with the messaging after the Sackler Family orchestrated the epidemic that cost America 70,000 souls in 2019 alone: The Opioid Epidemic. Lutz advised that Purdue Pharmaceuticals should gaslight and blame rural America for the Opioid Epidemic, as opposed to Purdue taking responsibility for the deceptive marketing that ended in 12-year-olds being prescribed OxyContin. I share a little history about the character of Frank Lutz because I want the readers to understand who is influencing policy within the Republican Party.

In 2020, both Republican and Democrat elected officials were advised that Covid-Lockdowns would result in a surge of suicide, alcoholism, and overdoses, yet they still decided to move forward and impose the deadly lockdowns anyway. As a result, overdose rates surged, surpassing over 81,000 drug overdose deaths in 2020 alone- and these numbers don’t even include relapses, non-fatal overdoses, and those who picked up the habit after shutting the doors of their businesses for good and descending into the depths of hopelessness and despair.

The Opioid Epidemic is destroying our country from the inside, and nobody cares.

The Republican Party is always looking for a way to “Expand the Big Tent” and attract new voters, however, they completely ignore the opioid epidemic because it mostly only affects rural America and working-class Whites who they believe will vote for them anyway. “What other choice do they have? They have to vote for us,” they tell themselves.  They use strategies like running Bruce Jenner in a dress for office to attract the LGBTQ vote, when the same strategy only totaled approximately 500,000 extra LGBTQ votes nationally in the 2020 elections, mostly in California. The Republican Party spends millions trying to court the LGBTQ vote and guess what- it never makes a difference.


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What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If the Republican Party wasn’t so dedicated to adding “Trans Rights” to the Republican Party Platform and instead focused on recovery solutions for the addicted, they would motivate a whole new base of voters to show up and vote for them. The opioid epidemic is decimating Rust-Belt States and Middle America. It’s very hard to find a family who has not been affected by addiction in some way. Even Joe Biden’s son and daughter both have struggled with drug addiction. It’s affecting everyone, and Americans are dying hopeless deaths of despair en masse while the political class has completely forgotten about them and left them behind.

Adding federal funding for opioid recovery rehabs and solutions, in addition to legislation that cracks down on the cartel drug trade would give both Democrats and Republicans a reason to show up to the voting booth. The messaging would be simple: Your child suffering from addiction doesn’t have to die. If the GOP would take their LGBTQ outreach funds and proactively campaign on recovery solutions, they would never lose an election again. It’s time for the GOP to stop listening to the out-of-touch swamp rats in DC like Frank Lutz, and start offering real solutions to their base that secures a prosperous and hopeful future for their children.

Wake up GOP, your base is dying.


This piece was written by Lauren Witzke on November 8, 2021. It originally appeared in RedVoiceMedia.com and is used by permission.

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